Home News Education Slippery Rock Area Elementary School

Slippery Rock Area Elementary School


Slippery Rock Area Elementary School
470 North Main Street
Slippery Rock, PA 16057

Tel.: 617-738-2700
URL: Slippery Rock Area Elementary School



Cultivating Knowledge and Encouraging Independence.


“Learning for All, Whatever it Takes”

Dear Parents/Guardians:

The Slippery Rock Area Elementary School staff and I are confident this will be another very successful and prosperous school year. This year our focus is building on the successes of last year and sustaining our continuous improvement efforts. As Principal, I believe that we must continue to do what is best for all of our children working hand in hand with each other in all avenues of the school and community. My goals as principal are to focus on safety, communication, student achievement, literacy, equity, and in particular parent involvement and consistency.

I firmly believe that “Education is the Key to Success.” My motto is “It takes a whole village (community) to raise a child.” This is why it is so critical and imperative that you as parents and guardians become actively involved in your child’s education. It is also my belief that for a school to be effective, the faculty, staff and community must have a common focus and vision; all students can learn and achieve high standards of excellence.

My vision would emphasize the role of the home, school, and community to help ensure the cognitive, creative, and social growth of the students to help them meet the challenges of the ever-changing world. The empowerment of the school’s stakeholders will allow them to take ownership, which will create the needed environment to make the vision a reality. To help facilitate this, strong lines of communication must be established and maintained. In addition, a conducive environment of mutual respect and trust must be developed and nurtured which will allow all of the stakeholders to become accountable and actively involved in the process.

Again, this year parents will see new staff members at Area Elementary School for the 2017-2018 school year. New to the building this year are: Jane Culmer (1st grade), Kate Miller (3rd grade Learning Support), Lindsey Knott (K-2nd Teaching Assistant) and Jill Takach (3rd grade), who has returned from a sabbatical. We have one teacher who has a new assignment. Mandy Wallace has moved from 4th grade to 5th grade. In addition, I want to welcome new cafeteria monitors Estella Elliot and Lynette Colvin.

This year Open House is scheduled for Tuesday, August 29th for Kindergarten through second grade and Wednesday, August 30th for third through fifth grade. The times will be from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Having Open House earlier will allow classroom teachers and staff members to formally introduce themselves to parents, share classroom procedures, and provide information on any new programs being implemented within the district/school.

I am looking forward to seeing and talking to each and every one of you, and want to remind you that my door is always open. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to call me at (724) 794-2960, ext. 4000, email me at herb_basham@slipperyrock.k12.pa.us or stop to see me. Parental input is needed, valued, and always wanted.

Sincerely Yours,

W. Herbert Basham, Jr.
Slippery Rock Area Elementary School